1. Title:
The title should be concise, informative, and reflective of the abstract content.
Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms in the title.
2. Author Information:
Include the names of all authors, their affiliations, and contact information.
The presenting author should be clearly identified.
3. Abstract Structure:
The abstract should be structured into the following sections:
Background: Briefly describe the context and purpose of the study.
Methods: Outline the key methods and procedures employed in the research.
Results: Summarise the main findings or expected outcomes.
Conclusion: Highlight the significance and implications of the results.
4. Word Limit:
The abstract should not exceed 300 words, excluding the title, author information, and keywords.
5. Keywords:
Provide 3-5 keywords that accurately reflect the main topics of the research.
Keywords should be separated by commas.
6. Formatting:
Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) in size 12.
Single-spacing should be used throughout the abstract.
Do not include figures, tables, or citations in the abstract.
7. Language:
The abstract must be written in English.
Ensure correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
8. Submission Process:
Abstracts should be submitted through the QSC Conference online submission system.
9. Review and Notification:
All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process.
Authors will be notified of the acceptance status via email by the specified deadline.
10. Important Considerations:
Ensure the abstract is original and has not been published or presented elsewhere.
Adhere to ethical standards in conducting and reporting research.
By following these guidelines, you will help ensure that your abstract is clear, concise, and provides a comprehensive overview of your research. We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to the QSC Conference.
For any queries or further assistance, please contact the QSC by filling the ‘Contact Us’ form on the conference website.